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targetdir is undefined

Hi All,


I have a requirement to create an installer from LabVIEW that will install a few folders & files in the MyDocuments Directory. This installer can be run in XP/Vista/Win 7.


I created the installer build spec by adding some auto-populating folders and also few other files into the Destination view list in Source Files Tab. I build it once and was able to install it. When I open the installer build spec again, I dont see these auto-populating folders in the Destination view and the "Move Right" arrow is also disabled for the folders that I have already transferred to the Destination View. When I build the installer with this same spec and try to install it, I get this error "TargetDir is undefined. The Directory table seems malformed. Aborting...". Can anybody help me with this?


I am currently using LV2010 and Win XP and trying to install these files in a Win XP machine. The same error is returned when tried on different machines.




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Message 1 of 3

Still there in LV2011 on win7


Installer was working, I changed a directory (in App Data) in my installer and now everything in corrupt and messed up.

Did you ever find the cause of the problem?

- where did the "me too" button go?

CLD; LabVIEW since 8.0, Currently have LabVIEW 2015 SP1, 2018SP1 & 2020 installed
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Message 2 of 3

I too was getting the error message, “TARGETDIR is undefined, the Directory table seems malformed. Aborting...”, when running an installer I built with the Application Builder. I’m using LabVIEW 8.5 on a Windows 8.1 PC. I have 2 versions of my product and hence 2 installers. I built and tested the first one, and it installed just fine. Then I build the second one, which installs to a different folder within the same parent folder as the first one. When I ran setup.exe I got the error message. However, it installs just fine on other computers. Something apparently got corrupted on my PC.

One forum post suggested to run CHKDSK /r, which I did. It took about 3 hours to complete (which, by the way, was stuck at 11% for most of the time, so just be patient), and it did not inform me if there were any errors or not, but that did not resolve the problem. I tried re-building the installer with a different target (destination) directory, but that did not help. I still got the error message.

Then I tried uninstalling the existing version (the prior version) of my program, and re-ran the installer. Low and behold, it worked! Normally there is no need to uninstall a previous version; the new version will just replace (update) the old, existing version. Anyway, this is something very easy to try if you are experiencing a similar problem. Hope this helps.


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Message 3 of 3