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there is no port found on open visa

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Hello LV experts,

I am not very good in programming, I had a working labview code and now it is not working.

This code is for rotate a motorize stage (Hardware: newmark instument), and measures light using photometer (Hardware: Konica Minolta CS-100A).

My questions is:

- there is only one Visa configure serial port, how to use it for both of these instruments?

- When I use this Visa for one instrument, the other instrument will be disable, Please see the picture


This might be very simple problem but

Could someone help on this?

Thanks a lotnoport.jpg



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Message 1 of 17
You can't. Serial ports typically can't be shared. You can however easily add more ports using USB to serial converters. There are even companies that make converters with multiple serial ports.


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Message 2 of 17
An image of a block diagram does not help. Attach the subVI, a snippet of its block diagram, or at least a path to where you got it from. It would seem that the port might be hardcoded and that is something you should be able to fix yourself by replacing the constant with a control. That is a right click option.
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Message 3 of 17

Thanks to all who responded to my post,

@ mikeporter --> I meant ports that must be shown in figure that I posted. In block diagram, there must be some port available to serial visa to wire other visa, am I right?


@ Dennis_Knutson --> I have attached the vi code, please check it, but if I open the same code in other computer, I have no problem, and all ports in block diagram are available to be wired!!!!


Could you let me know, what is wrong and where is wrong?

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 17
Sorry, I'm posting from my phone and can't look at. Please take a snippet (special image type) of the block diagram.

Check in MAX what ports are available on the other pc.
0 Kudos
Message 5 of 17

Thanks again

Here is any image of broken visa (it is not broken the same program if it is opened by another computer)


0 Kudos
Message 6 of 17

Your VISA configure might be corrupted somehow.


Shutdown LabVIEW,  Shutdown your PC and reboot.  Try opening your VI again.


If you still have a problem,  delete that VISA configure and try dropping a new one on the block diagram.


If you still have a problem, try reinstalling VISA.

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Message 7 of 17
I don't understand how you can have a broken subVI and the main VI is not. The subVI should have connections for VISA resources but your main VI should be using them and it's not. Very confusing.
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Message 8 of 17

Hello RavensFan,

I have a stupid question:

I have done all steps as you mentioned, except reinstalling VISA.

How may I reinstall VISA?

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Message 9 of 17

Go to the control panel and pick the Programs applet.  Choose National Instruments Software and Change/Uninstall.  NI-VISA will be a choice under there.  Pick Repair



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Message 10 of 17