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timing measurement between finite pulses

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Hello Gerd

Good Morning to you !


I need a support in measuring timing between finite pulses .


Please find snapshot for the waveform , i want  to measure time between "yellow and red  " , "Yellow and blue ".


Can you provide me some hint to implement this thing ?




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Message 1 of 15

Hi Nitin,


you shouldn't start a new thread with asking for help from a specific person…


i want  to measure time between "yellow and red  " , "Yellow and blue ".

Yellow/red: read your signals with sufficient high sample rate and count the samples between both signal edges

Yellow/blue: read your signal with sufficient high sample rate and count the samples between both edges…

Best regards,

using LV2016/2019/2021 on Win10/11+cRIO, TestStand2016/2019
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Message 2 of 15

Thank you very much Gerd


Next time i willl take care not to addresss a particular person .


I have question Regarding this


"Yellow/red: read your signals with sufficient high sample rate and count the samples between both signal edges

Yellow/blue: read your signal with sufficient high sample rate and count the samples between both edges…"


Counting the sample between both edges means  to count transition only or something else?


And how it will result in time from the first pulse to last pulse .


Thanks & regards


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Message 3 of 15

Hi Nitin,


the sample rate is your factor between number of samples and time: time = #samples / samplerate…


There are probably more sophisticated measurements techniques available (using the advanced counter capabilities of NI DAQ hardware), but a brute force signal reading will help to understand the relation between sample rate and time… 😄

Best regards,

using LV2016/2019/2021 on Win10/11+cRIO, TestStand2016/2019
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Message 4 of 15
Accepted by Nitin_110051

Oops Basics issue ,

 I will implement the same and let you know if i will find any difficulty .


Thanks Man .

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Message 5 of 15

Hi Gerd,

I tried with the same  to get the time  like no of samples/sample rate .  But its no way  near to the actual value .




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Message 6 of 15

Hi Nitin,


its no way  near to the actual value .

As usual: attach a VI with some default sample data and your way of calculating time between pulses.


Btw. what's the reason to mark your message as solution? What kind of solution is "I will try to implement it"???

Best regards,

using LV2016/2019/2021 on Win10/11+cRIO, TestStand2016/2019
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Message 7 of 15

Hi Gerd

Here are the files for your refernce

CRO snapshot , VI & Vi snapshot .

Thanks for too much effort .

Hope you will help me .




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Message 8 of 15

Hi Nitin,


what should your VI do?

Right now you count rising and falling edges, add them up and divide by the sample rate. What do you expect as result?

Even more worse: you set a sample rate of 25kHz and then start to read the samples one by one. This is a no-go!


You need to count the samples between two pulses!


Get the signals as arrays of samples. Search for the first rising edge and get it's position. Search for the next rising edge and get it's position. The difference between the positions is your delay!

Best regards,

using LV2016/2019/2021 on Win10/11+cRIO, TestStand2016/2019
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Message 9 of 15

Hello Gerd


i tried to  grab signal as an array , i am able to see signal on scope , why i am not able to see on digital indictaor ?


Attachment :- Vi & Snapshot.




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Message 10 of 15