09-25-2013 03:54 AM
sir, while i am reading data from one file by "read from measurement file", it reads some data and plotted as graph then said error as
Error 100 occurred at read from measurement
file-->read waveform.vi
Possible reasons(s):
LabVIEW : file contains erroneous data.this normally is a user
data file.
i dont understand what is the error in there!
if i continue the reading ,finally it reads only some part of the data alone....
help me to rectify this sir
thank you.
09-25-2013 03:59 AM
09-25-2013 04:45 AM
sir, i used low pass filter , cutoff freq 5, eliptic, order 5.
if i continued after error occured, it displays only the data at time 159sec to 364sec(x axis)
thanking you.
09-25-2013 04:49 AM
09-25-2013 05:27 AM
sir ,my data file is in .lvm extension format...it does't attaching "The file does not have a valid extension for an attachment"
so i am sending my data file as in xcell format...
thak you
09-25-2013 05:29 AM
09-25-2013 05:41 AM
my data
09-25-2013 05:47 AM
09-25-2013 06:05 AM
by using pressure sensor i acquired our radial artery pulse through 9205 DAQ card and i stored data by write to measurement file .
but some files read correctly without errors, is there any setting changes needed in configure write to measurement file?
09-25-2013 06:12 AM
or otherwise is there anything needed to change in configure read from measurement file?