04-14-2016 05:53 PM
First of all, I am using LabVIEW with Windows/parallels on my mac. I have been trying to get remote front panels to work using a static IP address that was assigned to me by IT at work. I can get remote front panels to work and successfully view it from another computer. The only problem with this is sometimes my computers IP can change and I cannot view it from a different internet connection than what the VI is running on. This is why I want to use a static IP address.
I have tried going in to the properties of TCP/IPv4 on the windows side and manually entering the IP Address/Subnet Mask/Default Gateway/Prefered and Alternate Server. I'm fairly certain this information is correct, but afterwards I can't connect to the internet with explorer. After I use the Web Publishing tool in labview and I cannot connect to remote front panels from another computer.
My Question is this... Is there any way to use remote front panels while using paralells on a mac and a static IP address????
04-15-2016 02:09 PM
When you assign your computer a static IP address, and then you aren't able to connect to the internet, this most likely means that you aren't configuring the static IP address correctly. Unless this is a local network and does not connect to the internet, if you aren't able to connect to the internet through an internet browser, then you're network settings most likely need to be fixed. This may be an issue because of the unique environment you are running Windows on, but I would consult with your IT to make sure you are configuring your network settings correctly.