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trouble building an installer with NI-DAQmx and tasks

I am having trouble getting an installer that includes my tasks for NI-DAQmx.  I select the configuration wizard from the hardware tab, it shows my tasks with checkboxes but i cannot 'check' the task I want, it says "the item cannot be checked because it depends on other items whose software has not been installed".  The drop down menu for the 'scales' can be shown and checked but that doesn't include the tasks when i try to install the 'package'.  
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Message 1 of 4
The first step here is to verify that the NI-DAQmx devices you are using are connected to your computer and installed correctly. The "item cannot be checked" error is typically caused by an incorrect device name within a DAQmx task; make sure that any of the DAQmx devices used in your tasks have the same name (e.g.  "dev2") as in Measurement and Automation Explorer (MAX).
I hope this helps!
Casey Weltzin
Applications Engineer
National Instruments
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Message 2 of 4
that was the problem... but raises another issue.
My DAQ device NI-USB 6008 was not connected to my "development workstation" but was on the "distribution workstation".  When I connected the USB DAQ device to my development workstation I was able to check the checkbox and it was included in the configuration file and when I installed the application on the development workstation, it worked as expected.

Does this mean that any time I make a change to the "Task" i'm going to have to have the DAQ device (the UB 6008) attached to my development workstation for the installer build to work?... that seems cumbersome... and since I'm going to be developing my App to run on 4 different workstations each with it's own USB 6008, am I going to have to configure the appln 4 ways (4 tasks) - 1 for each workstation?
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Message 3 of 4
Yes, you will have to have your USB-6008 connected to your development machine each time you create an installer and include your DAQmx task from Measurement and Automation Explorer. I completely agree that this seems unnecessary; I am going to submit this to our R&D team, and hopefully we can see the behavior changed in a future version of LabVIEW / Measurement and Automation Explorer.
For now, I would suggest that you create just one task on your development machine (e.g. using your USB-6008 as "dev1"). Then, on your remote machines change the USB-6008 device name in MAX to match your task (e.g. "dev1").
I hope this helps!
Casey Weltzin
Applications Engineer
National Instruments
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Message 4 of 4