07-14-2009 04:04 PM
I am trying to print a range of cells from a front page container which has an excel spreadsheet as its object. Having spent quite a while scouring the board, I found a procedure posted by Michael M...shown below.
2) from the worksheet ref wire:
property node PageSetup
cascade property node PrintArea, change to write
feed in your range as a string value
I tried to follow this procedure, but I get an error every time I run the VI and click on the Save Standard button (whose event executes this code).
Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong?
07-14-2009 04:12 PM
It looks like you might be specifying your print area range incorrectly. It looks like you are using "A3 - J" or something like that. You will need to express the range using something like "A3:J3", or "A3:J10" - upper left cell + ":" + bottom right cell. Try that.
07-14-2009 04:12 PM
07-15-2009 09:25 AM
Actually smercurio, the error occurs right at the PrintArea property node, and the error message does seem to indicate what you alluded to. The error is shown in the attached file. I used the same type input to the Variant to Data earlier in the application, with great success. I've shown that portion of the code as well. Can you explain what I'm doing wrong in more detail? I see that I should have used a different type input to the Variant to Data node, but now I can’t seem to get where I’m going from here. I also included a screen shot of the code I have so far, now that I’ve changed that input. I'm sure I have the right type input to the Variant to Data...I think.
07-15-2009 09:42 AM