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turning off X axis autoscale in a CHART

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Accepted by Seb77

@Seb77 wrote:

And yes, the property nodes... but  unfortunately labview has no "set-this-way-at-compile-time"-property-node.

As we already said, LabVIEW is always compiled. If you want different behavior depending on if it is running in the development environment vs. as standalone executable (in run time engine), there is the conditional disable structure.


And if you insist on "property nodes" for some silly reason, there's one too:




@Seb77 wrote:
  • There is no such thing as a property node that sends a single value to a GRAPH,  right ?
  • And there is also no way to manipulate (append to) the active plot that is within a GRAPH, right ?

A graph is a front panel indicator that has it's own memory space as well as a transfer buffer so the UI thread can update it independent of other code running in parallel. It display whatever is in the wire so all you need to do is change the wire value and the rest happens at leisure whenever the UI thread gets a chance. If you send millions of points to an auto-scaling graph with complicated lines and point styles, you are severely taxing the UI thread. While you can keep all data in a wire, you can easily decimate the data to be manageable for A: the user and B: the UI thread.


There are other creative ways, for example you could use an intensity graph of fixed size matched to the monitor pixels and replace array elements with data. Since the dimensions are constant, it is very easy on the memory manager. It can even be U8, because you can only have a max of 256 color anyway (ancient example). "Adding" points is reduced to replace one element with a new value.



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