I have two desktop PCs:
First PC
Labview 8 Developer suite
Windows XP
1 ethernet NIC
Second PC
Phar Lap ETS operative system
2 ethernet NIC, one integrated in the mother board, and the second one in a PCI bus.
When I turn it on I get the following information in the screen:
Device 1 - MAC address: 00:A0:C9:E8:69:72- (primary)
Device 2 - MAC address: 00:08:74:A4:C9:5E-
Welcome to Labview Real-time 8.0
The "device 1" is the PCI one, while the "device 2" is the integrated one.
The three NICS are connected to a 10/100 Mbps hub.
subnet mask for NIC in first PC and PCI NIC in second PC
Subnet mask for integrated NIC in second PC
Concerning second PC my doubts and comments are:
1.-Being both NICs available, I can only use the primary one for TCP, UDP or even a ping.
¿Shouldn`t both NICs answer to a ping from the first PC?
2.-MAX software allows me only two options:
To have the PCI NIC as primary and the integrated one supposed to be available.
To have the integrated NIC as primary but disabling the PCI NIC.