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two while loop can not synchroniclly run

hello guys,


as i want to test the forces on both sides of the maschine, i am programming with 2 while loops. First i designed on Loop(Loop1) for the right side of the maschine. Then copied it and set another one as Loop2 for the left side of the maschine. Wenn i run the whole Program, only Loop2 runs and nothing happened by Loop1. I testet with ''start single stepping'', the single stopped just before it entered Loop1, by Loop2 it has ran orderly. What's the problem.

can someone help me? Thank you.



0 Kudos
Message 1 of 21

You've created a data dependency between the bottom loop and the top so of course the bottom loop runs first and the top will not execute until the bottom finishes. A second loop is not even necessary and if you did manage to get them to run in parallel, you would get a resource reserved error. All that you have to do is add the second channel to one task and acquire both channels in a single loop.

Message 2 of 21



there is an easy description for this behaviour.


A loop acts like any other node in LabVIEW.

All Inputs must be there before the output will be calculated.


Function "ADD"

First BOTH inputs must be there, then the outputs will be calculated.


Your problem:

If a while loop runs, no tunnel will output data.
this will be done after the loop stops.

If the 2nd loop is connected to this output of loop #1, this output is like an input for loop #2

=> That mean, that the loop will wait for this input and will get this input, when loop #1 stops.


As attachment you will find two examples
1) you can see the problem

2) NO problem, because no connection between the loops


Possible solutions:

You can use the following transfer mechanisms to transfer the data from one loop to another

- local variables, global variables (

- Notifier

- Queues (


Hope that helps

Best regards


0 Kudos
Message 3 of 21

Thank you. I combined two loops together but still doesen' t work.It always shows:

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 21

Thank you for your reply. It seems that date that was read by USB Karte can only be used by one loop, because it always shows calibration.jpg

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 21

You need to show us your modified code if you need our help.

We can't guess on what you are doing.


Attach the code and a picture of the block diagram.

0 Kudos
Message 6 of 21

I already uploaded it. you can find it upstairs.Smiley Happy

0 Kudos
Message 7 of 21

Code where you have combind the two loops ?

You are asking about error's comming from a modified code that only you can see.

It is hard to give you any help, if we can't see the how you have combind the two loops.

0 Kudos
Message 8 of 21

this is the combined Program

0 Kudos
Message 9 of 21

I told you that you would get a resources reserved error and I told you how to fix it. Did you bother to confirm what I said or did you search for the error code to see the numerous other new users that have made the same basic mistake?

0 Kudos
Message 10 of 21