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unable to connect same data pallets

I'm trying to save my data collected into a constant array, both are of double type yet not able to connect. Waveform chart 1 and output are conencting but when i tried to connect the array it shows error.

Thanks in advance for the help

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Message 1 of 3

Hi priyansh,


an array of DBL is a different datatype than a scalar DBL!

You need to build an array from your single data values. Well, there's an array function called "Build Array" - guess what it's for… 😄


(To create an array is part of the beginner courses offered by NI for free. Did you take them?)

Best regards,

using LV2016/2019/2021 on Win10/11+cRIO, TestStand2016/2019
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Message 2 of 3

What do you mean by "data pallets"?


First, I would recommend looking at the online LabVIEW tutorials
LabVIEW Introduction Course - Three Hours
LabVIEW Introduction Course - Six Hours


You can't connect a scalar wire to an array.  Delete the wire going to the array indicator.


Why do you want to connect it to the array indicator?  If you want it to become a 1 element array, then you can use a Build Array function on that wire to turn the scalar into a 1-D array consisting of exactly 1 element.

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Message 3 of 3