07-19-2006 02:05 AM
I have a DLL which I would like to use in LabView
unfortunately, the DLL uses an internal memory buffer, and only passes back a pointer to the buffer.
I found some help on your web site which gets around this by using an undocumented LabView function
with an example: lvPointer.... Library name: LabView, Function Name MoveBlock
void MoveBlock(unsigned long src,long *dst, long size)
I understand that this function internally creates the memory and moves the data to the new location, returing the array.
I now have a huge memory leak, unless I can deallocate this memory (since I am getting data from the DLL into a new array every time, 50 times a second, 16k each time), how can I do this?
07-19-2006 03:26 AM
hi there
i'm just guessing: who frees the initial memory (unsigned long src)? have you tried to call free(unsigned long src) after MoveBlock?
07-19-2006 03:46 AM