04-04-2013 02:21 PM
@ThiCop wrote:
Thank you for elaborating on this with relation to integers so that they will always try to wire the type input.
Then where's my Kudos?
04-05-2013 03:08 AM
My Kudos-wallet has been recharged and the deserving have been rewarded 🙂
04-05-2013 05:11 AM
When I want to create a constant to that input (right click, create) an empty square appears and then I could not find any way to put a value in there !
I read accross the help file and didn't find any explanation how to do this either !
Thanks for your help.
04-05-2013 05:18 AM
Hello pgo,
You probably read over a part of my post consisting out of 2 parts:
1) "create a new true constant from the function palette ..." (this is not right click create)
2) "... and wire it to your type input (so that you are not depending on any autoresolving things)?"
04-05-2013 05:21 AM
And the same can be done for a numeric constant.
Just grab/take it from your Function Palette.
The function palette can be accessed as shown in attachment.
And if you don't find it, then use
either the search bar of the Function palette (search for "numeric constant" or "true constant")
or the Quick search (CTRL+spacebar)
04-05-2013 05:32 AM
Ok, Sorry.
I just did it but get the same error: incompatible data
04-05-2013 06:29 AM
This seems to work.
Thanks for your help
How do we trigger that Kudo thing? 😉
Best regards.
04-05-2013 06:30 AM
This seems to work.
Thanks for your help
Best regards.
04-05-2013 07:08 AM
Hello pgo1,
Below the name of another user you can click on the symbol I indicated in attachment.
You cannot give Kudos to yourself... 😉
04-05-2013 08:00 AM
You really should also mark this post as the soltion since it is the one that got you there:http://forums.ni.com/t5/LabVIEW/variant-type-conversion-to-boolean/m-p/2376482#M738961
The person who started a thread can mark any post in the thread as the solution. Just go to the message. There's an options drop down on the right and select "Mark as Solution" (or something along those lines). Glad to see you got it working.