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vit's not loading in sub panel in executable

I have turned a project into an executable. This executable acts as a server and the user interacts with it through a web browser. There is a subpanel which loads different vit's front panels depending on which button is pressed. I have solved the path issues (thanks to help from you guys). Is there an issue with sub-panels and vit's? (I have built a simpler application which loads two vit's into a subpanel alternatively and its working fine). So what might be the problem? (The executable is not outputting any errors; the application runs fine in development mode. I have used OpenG Commander to download all the libraries and vi's through it and integrated them into LabVIEW (8.2). Could it be causing some problem?
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Message 1 of 7
The issue maybe related to the one mentioned in this knowledgebase entry. If you are adding your VIs to a project, make sure you change the custom VI properties to Show Front Panel when called in your build specifications.
I hope this helps!
Mehak D.
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Message 2 of 7
Thanks Mehak_D! Thanks a lot!
Your reply got me sooooo excited. I thought maybe my cursed days are over. This executable business has taken three weeks of mine but to no avail. The damn vit's just wouldn't load in the subpanel when the application is running as an executable. (I had created a number of vi's from each vit and then the executable works ok; but that kills the purpose for which vit's were created in the first place, doesn't it). Anyway thanks for a few moments of felicity. I just need more wisdom from you (mine ran out a few days back).
Have a nice day!
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Message 3 of 7
Just a side note.  It is a really good idea to include your build process early in the development.  It is way too common in Labview to not build an application until it is nearly done ant there are many caveats to the deployment in Labview.  Back in days of text languages (I know they are still around but I use them less and less) you needed to compile and run your program before you can find any bugs, with labview this is less necessary but still a very good idea to do.  I try to build and test applications after any feature has been added, especially file IO, subpanels, dynamic calls dll inclusions or any other external communications since these cause the most problems in executables (since paths and relative locations are changed in executables).
Paul Falkenstein
Coleman Technologies Inc.
CLA, CPI, AIA-Vision
Labview 4.0- 2013, RT, Vision, FPGA
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Message 4 of 7

Ditto Pauls comments about "building early, building often".

Are the vit's marked as dynamic?

Can you open and show the FP of the vit without loading into the sub-panel?

Trying to help,


Retired Senior Automation Systems Architect with Data Science Automation LabVIEW Champion Knight of NI and Prepper LinkedIn Profile YouTube Channel
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Message 5 of 7
A very good ides, falkpl! Thanks for the insight. I'll keep this in mind when ever I build a project (from now on).
Thanks for sharing!
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Message 6 of 7
Thanks Ben for the help!
Yes Ben I have added all the vit's in the "Dynamic vi's and support files" section of the build properties dialog box. Yes the front panels load fine if not being loaded in the sub panel. Actually this application runs through a web server. And all the panels load and unload inside the browser. The applicatio works fine in development mode but doesn't work as expected when turned into an executable. So as a last resort I converted all vit's into seven vi's each (by appending numbers to their name) and then used a hidden control to find out which one to call. Its working now but only seven users can log onto the server at any given time. So if it could work properly somehow it would be so nice (and soothing to my aching mind which has been battling (and losin so far) the problem but to no avail).
Thanks for the help!
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Message 7 of 7