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want to received every time a perfect command frame without missing any single bytes


i also have problem regarding reading command frame through the modem with RS232 cable . the problem is i am making a software which to read a data from telemetry and have to read 2 command frame n as soon i received perfect comman frame i have to reply with status frame.i have define all protocal and there is a communication but not in  a smooth manner i tried to shearch shot out by shearching 1st charcter for eg: it started with FFFF.........................................................................AAAA 0000 FFFF..................................................................AAAA 0000 command frame looks like this way in total 84 bytes.

 some time i get a perfectm one and

when i get a perfet command frame there is communication now the problem is the command frame after certain time it is incomplet i.e, normally it should be 84 bytes but after some time it shifted i dont know how to solve this prob .it would be nice if anyone help me out

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