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Hello there!


I am currently working on our VI. What I want is to plot the data in a waveform from the scan from string. However, it doesn't plot the data properly. I am currently working on 2 ways on how to do this. Any suggestions? thank youSmiley Happy

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Message 1 of 5

Define "not working properly". Are you expecting a graph over time? If so, you want a waveform chart, not a waveform graph.


In terms of you code, is the device supposed to continuosly send information, or only when you send the "A"? If it's continuous, then I can see why you'd have the VISA Read where you have it. However, if it's only when you send the "A", then it should be inside the case structure.

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Message 2 of 5

It does not graph the data received. It would receive an information every 30 mins. It must graph or plot the info 🙂

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Message 3 of 5

It does not graph the data received. It would receive an information every 30 mins. It must graph or plot the info 🙂

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Message 4 of 5

What kind of debugging have you done? Have you put a probe on the output of VISA Read to verify you are actually receiving the string you expect? Have you put a probe on the output of the Scan From String? Have you put a probe on the wire going to the graph?

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Message 5 of 5