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wavelet packet transform

Anyone working on wavelet packet transform? I need to find the energy distribution at 5 level WP subbands but unfortunately energy distribution is not coming up as it should be.

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Message 1 of 5

Hi ijaz


Could you give me a little more info about the steps that your doing to create the wavelet package transform?


In the mean time here are some materials to reference that may shed some light on what you want to do.

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Message 2 of 5

Thank you very much Martin for your kind reply.


I want to decompose the signal into uniform frequency bands of 50 Hz using WPT with 1600Hz as a sampling frequency and then my goal is to compute the energy in each 50 Hz subband. The calculated energy does not corresponds to the actual energy contents of the signal like 250 Hz energy contents appear in the 350 Hz band etc....


I have attached my work for your reference.



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Message 3 of 5

Hey ijaz,


Thanks for the info.  I'm not very familiar with Wavelet Packet Transform and I need to do some more research.  In the mean time you can feel free to email with your question and they may be able to get back to you quicker than I can.  

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Message 4 of 5

Halo Ijaz..


Now, I'm trying to find enery distribution in wavelet.. and until now still not finished

are you already know how to find that?


thank you

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Message 5 of 5