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what is kudos?

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I know I am one of the newer members here on this forum, but I don't pay any attention to the tally of kudos because they are given pretty fequently and I'm sure they are earned.  I don't dispute that and can't take anything away from the long time members on this forum,  but Kudos don't discriminate.  They can be given to anyone for any reason, and that's great, it's nice to be appreciated.  But for me, the solutions authored is the cats meow. That's the whole reason for this forum.  I'm more satisfied with that number.

Reese, (former CLAD, future CLD)

Some people call me the Space Cowboy!
Some call me the gangster of love.
Some people call me MoReese!
...I'm right here baby, right here, right here, right here at home
0 Kudos
Message 71 of 88

tst wrote:

...the ~850 I currently see in my account...

A simple way to directly count how many Kudos a user has given is to check out "NI Discussion Forums : Kudos Activity for <username> : Kudos Given: to Posts", then see how many pages exist.


Two caveats:

  1. This assumes the current ability to only give 1 Kudos/post (Lithium platform has capability of giving more than 1Kudos/post, but this feature is not currently turned on in the LV community), and
  2. If a user has given Kudos in a private board to which you do not have access, you cannot see those Kudos given. For instance, tst claims to have given ~850 (quoted above), but I can only see ~710, meaning ~140 have been given in a board to which I do not have access.

Jeff Bohrer wrote:


Kudos given / Kudos recieved


I'm curious as to why there is such a low ratio

From #2 above, remember - for all we know, that user could be a crazy man Kudoing in a board to which we don't have access Smiley Happy One way or another, it's (personally) interesting and satisfying to continue to learn forum personas and their unique ways of interacting with the forum mechanisms (like Kudos) and each other socially.

0 Kudos
Message 72 of 88

@Jeff Bohrer wrote:

And yet again,


I did NOT mean to start a flame war- just wanted the straight dope.

@ BA- unless you ARE Darrin or Christian or...(you get the idea) your "Solutions/post" metric is quite remarkable. mine is merely a little over 4% and our stats are well above the median.  Don't get hung up about it- IMHO your contributions are on point.


Some people just outshine the rest of us.  Can't fault them either!Smiley WinkSmiley Happy

What flame war? I was actually changing the subject - to a subject a have brought up before in this other forum. I'm not hung up on anything, my friend.


0 Kudos
Message 73 of 88

@JackDunaway wrote:
For instance, tst claims to have given ~850 (quoted above), but I can only see ~710, meaning ~140 have been given in a board to which I do not have access.

Actually, I think in that case the kudos are skewed because the stars were converted to kudos, but there was no way of attributing them to a specific post. But that's just a guess.


In any case, personally I don't care much one way or the other. Looking at my KG page, I see that the vast majority of the recent ones are in the IE. If that wasn't around it's quite probable that my actual number would be considerably lower.

Try to take over the world!
Message 74 of 88

I don't know what all the fuss is about.


surely only 3 things matter with Kudos:


1) did the post merit Kudos in your opinion when you posted it?

- If the answer to this is no and the post gets a Kudo, cringe?


2) do you value the Kudos you have been given as an acknowledgement of a good answer?

- Surely this is the point of a Kudo.


3) do you value the Kudos more if it comes from someone who is in your opinion more knowledgeable than most on the forums.

(I would include Ben, Christian, smercurio, rolfk, Dennis knuttson, tst, Jeff B, Jack and quite a few more who I don't have time to name.) 

- If you can't answer this one with an honest yes, then why are you bothered about Kudos.


If you aren't getting enough Kudos, then you're probably being too helpful to people long term by making them figure things out, but not giving them the immediate solution to their troubles is my observation when I look at where I have got my Kudos.


There are normally 2 sorts of post responses to get someone sorted;

a) the quick response good enough for the newbie with simple vi (newbies often forget Kudos)

b) the detailed technical reponse with complex LabVIEW code example (calling out for peer recognition and Kudos.Smiley Wink)







CLD; LabVIEW since 8.0, Currently have LabVIEW 2015 SP1, 2018SP1 & 2020 installed
0 Kudos
Message 75 of 88

@broken Arrow wrote:

I wonder why we can't see how many Solutions someone has gotten? Why keep that completely private? I have suggested it before in another forum. I have 53 solutions but have posted 1730 things. Maybe I should keep my mouth shut Smiley Embarassed


I just brought that up on Breakpoint a few days ago. While I think it would be interesting if solutions authored was public, Darin made a pretty good argument against it.


Do I look at the number of kudos or solutions authored to guage the quality of someones contributions? Is it the middle bar or the first bar or a shield? Maybe it is a combination of those... Those things only give some kind of indication for people I am unfamiliar with. In the end it it is the content of the posts. It is the avatar and associated user name. When I see the teddy bear, scary looking green-eyed bearded man, the thing that looks like a rat but might be something else, blue sky over two mountains, a Canadian rock band, the one with dark glasses I recongnize but don't have a clue what it is supposed to be, a cheesburger, a football logo or an eight ball, the list goes on - and I know that there is some pretty high quality content waiting to be clicked on.


I would say that the number of kudos only matters to the one receiving the kudos. They are just a pat on the back, a thumbs up or a slap on the butt (only if you are into football!). Other than this they help to highlight high quality threads or posts with subject lines you would have otherwise overlooked.


I hope nobody changes what motivates them to give out a kudo. It is part of your personalities.


Anyway that is how I see kudos. I think they mean different things to different people. If they mean "thank you for a good answer to the question that I was asking" and you don't ask a lot of questions because, well, you don't have a lot of questions - only answers, then you are going to accumulate far more than you give out.


Flame war? I don't see it Smiley Happy

LabVIEW 2012

0 Kudos
Message 76 of 88

tst wrote:

Looking at my KG page, I see that the vast majority of the recent ones are in the IE. If that wasn't around it's quite probable that my actual number would be considerably lower.

Another reason that kudos should probably not be overloaded with idea votes.

LabVIEW 2012

Message 77 of 88

Restated here

Should have done this first-  Thank you all for your responses

"Should be" isn't "Is" -Jay
0 Kudos
Message 78 of 88

What's the true measure of a man (or woman)?  Is it the Kudos that can be given to anyone, by anyone (even the less experienced members who may not know any better)?  Or is it the actual posts marked as "Total Solutions Marked Accepted?"  I also view the total number of posts from community members to guage their knowledge base.  It's not an exact science, but it does inform somewhat of the person's level of competence.  Now there are some members with  a low number of posts that are much more knowledgeable than their number indicates.  That just means they don't post that much.  But I assume, if you have over 10K posts and are Knighted, you know your stuff, and that is the case.  But your knowledge base can also be gauged by the content of your posts.


I purpose, Knights should be paid a stipend for every solution they author.  This would show good will from NI to those members who have been consistent and loyal to LV.  Besides, you are providing free tech support for NI.  Why shouldn't you, the Knights, be compensated for your years of service to the community.  I'm not talking much here, but it would show some appreciation from NI.  Plus, it would motivate people to become even more involved and motivated.  As a Knight, you're already motivated, but a monetary benefit would be nice I bet.

Reese, (former CLAD, future CLD)

Some people call me the Space Cowboy!
Some call me the gangster of love.
Some people call me MoReese!
...I'm right here baby, right here, right here, right here at home
Message 79 of 88
I'm not sure if this is the first time Cyndi Lauper has been quoted here on the forums, but "money changes everything"
LabVIEW 2012

0 Kudos
Message 80 of 88