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what is the problem while creating an installer for my project ?!



i am trying to create my installation without including any additional installers
my installation has done and after installing it on the pc i tried to
open it but the application request a labview run time engine to complete
running the app ,but when i added NI Labview Run time engine 2012 as an
additional installers i got a box called select source and my installation did
not complete..


how can i solve this problem ?




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Message 1 of 6

Load the discs you have that contain the LV 2012 runtime engine and let the builder discover them.

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Message 2 of 6

Okay conflicting things here.  You state you don't want to include any additional installers, and then you state you are trying to include the LabVIEW runtime engine...which is an additional installer.


You are welcome to not include it, but you'll need to have it installed separetly which can be downloaded from NI's site (google search probably).


Or you can choose to include it in your installer.  If you do that the build process needs the original installer to add it.  When you first installed LabVIEW it needed these disks, or downloads, and now it is asking for them again so it can include them.  You can probably get away with downloading it, and then pointing that browse window to the downloaded files and it may include it too, I haven't tried that.  There is an option that is on by default which will cache the installers on your hard drive after you've made an installer, so if you ever need to include them again they will be there.  But I can see why NI doesn't just make a copy and keep all installers just in case you want to make an EXE.  I mean the developer suite I think is on 3 dual layer DVDs, device drivers is another, and then there is optional FPGA, which is probably totalling around 40GB.

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Message 3 of 6

thanks all ,

I browsed for the lv runtime and i recieved a box as in the following photo ...




also i  downloaded the lv run time from NI but when i tried to install it on  pc it request to open it with and i did not know how to do that 😕

thanks in advanced 

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 6

You don't download the runtime expecting to use it within an installer you are creating.


You download the runtime and install it on the PC you are installing to separately, so that you don't have to include the runtime installer as an additional installer.


If you want to include the runtime as an additional installer, you need to use the DVD's that came with that version of LabVIEW,  or download the full LabVIEW install discs from the web and point to that when it asks you where to get the the installer files from.

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Message 5 of 6

@RavensFan wrote:

You don't download the runtime expecting to use it within an installer you are creating.


You download the runtime and install it on the PC you are installing to separately, so that you don't have to include the runtime installer as an additional installer.


If you want to include the runtime as an additional installer, you need to use the DVD's that came with that version of LabVIEW,  or download the full LabVIEW install discs from the web and point to that when it asks you where to get the the installer files from.

You Know,   That always irritates me!  You create an installer and it requires media that may not be on the development device!   Perhaps that is why I have a bookshelf full of DVDs and 60Gb plus in "NI Downloads"?  


I cannot fault the OP for calling NI out on that issue.

"Should be" isn't "Is" -Jay
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Message 6 of 6