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when I send date as dd/mm/yyyy to excel spreadsheet with Activex date string changes to mm/dd/yyyy.

when I send date as dd/mm/yyyy to excel spreadsheet with Activex, date string changes to mm/dd/yyyy. I am from Australia  date format on my computer is dd/mm/yyyy.

I have selected date cell format as dd/mm/yyyy. Any ideas. Thank you.


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Message 1 of 4
i am from malaysia..can u try to edit your 'regional and language options' in control panel. you can set your long and short date
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Message 2 of 4

I found a similar problem. All my settings in Windows were for UK formatting, but on occasions [not always!] the date as shown in Excel was reversed, so I would send, for example 05/11/2009 and the "system" would mangle this to be in May. I found a way round was to send the date as 05/Nov/2009, and Excel would then display 05/11/2009. I did suspect that if the date was valid either way round, as in my example it would be reversed, but if the day was above 12 (as in 20/11/2009) it was OK, but having got a solution, I didn't investingate further.


If you're using "get date/time string" I think that the UK long date format of "05 November 2009" will also work.


I'm presuming the Australian date format is the same as the UK.




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Message 3 of 4

Similar problem to Rod's one - with Italian date format which is dd/mm/yyyy - when writing dates to Access using the Database module.


When day is > 12, I must prepare the date as yyyy-mm-dd (format for Database module vi's); when day is <=12, the date must be prepared as yyyy-dd-mm.


This problem really astonished me. Must be something about ActiveX and Microsoft stuff.


satinder,  does the behaviour change with day number too?

LV 7.1, 2011, 2017, 2019, 2021
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Message 4 of 4