09-19-2019 07:41 PM
09-19-2019 07:50 PM
Hi Barry2018,
NI-CAN and NI-CANopen are two different products. If you want to find the canopen library, you need to install the NI-CANopen driver.
09-19-2019 09:51 PM
thanks for your kindly reply, could you help to give me a link for the ni-canopen driver, thanks~~
09-19-2019 10:01 PM
You can download the ni canopen driver from here:https://www.ni.com/zh-cn/support/downloads/drivers/download.ni-industrial-communications-for-canopen....
09-19-2019 10:30 PM
I download canopen1500 driver, but after install it, I cannot find the canopen file or canopen.llb, do I need insert the can card into my PC, or where I can find it? thanks
09-19-2019 11:47 PM
which version labview is installed on your PC? The canopen 15.0 only supports the LabVIEW 2015/2014/2013/2012. And you are able to find the canopen lIb in the path: ..\National Instruments\LabVIEW 2018\vi.lib\CANopenLib after you have installled the CANopen driver.
09-20-2019 01:20 AM
hi zhengchen, i'm using labview 2019, so I update the canopen driver to 19.0, but I still don't find the canopen file.......
09-20-2019 02:37 AM - edited 09-20-2019 02:41 AM
I'm pretty sure that canopen.llb comes from the very old CANOpen VI Toolkit library that was based on the old NI-CAN API. As such it probably won't be trivial to use that with modern hardware. I believe that there is a way with modern CAN interfaces from NI to install a compatibility layer that will support NI-CAN in a limited way and that may be enough for this driver to work but I never tried.
The only download I could find for the old CANOpen VI library was here: https://www.ni.com/nl-nl/support/downloads/software-products/download.canopen-library-toolkit.html
09-20-2019 04:00 AM
hi ,
it is just help doc for canopen, there is no driver/api could be download, thanks
09-20-2019 04:27 AM - edited 09-20-2019 04:29 AM
Yes, as it is rather old software they apparently pulled that. It also wasn't free but a paid Toolkit so you never could just download it like that. It may be still available from NI if you ask the right person very nicely but it may just as well be one of many discontinued products.
The recommended and supported way is to go with the newer Industrial Communication for CANOpen driver that you already seem to have installed. Sorry I"m not aware of a simple compatibility layer driver that simulates the old CANOpen library on top of the new Industrial Communication driver.