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Is it possible to install run time engine, and run exe-s which are built in LV 2011? If yes, can anybody tell me which Run-Time Engine i need to instalbb on Win Embedded 7?
Thank you for your help, and answer
M. Gabor

Gabor M.
0 Kudos
Message 1 of 12

The LabVIEW TouchPanel Module supports Windows Embedded Standard.


That beeing said, Windows 7 Embedded is a kind of smaller version of Windows 7 Ultimate. So you can try to install the LabVIEW Runtime Engine 2011 (since you develop in 2011) at the system and see if it works or if there are any issues. But keep in mind that the LabVIEW Runtime does not officially support Windows 7.

The same is true for any hardware drivers. There is a chance that they run on Windows 7 Embedded but it is not officially supported!




0 Kudos
Message 2 of 12
Accepted by topic author MGabor

Hello Gabor,


Indeed we don't have an run time engine dedicated for Windows7 embedded, but I am confident that this RunTime engine that works on Windows 7 should work on embedded version as well.


Please confirm if it worked.


kind regards,

Ion R.

Message 3 of 12

Thanks for the answers. Ive installed the full run time engine, and everything runed well.

Gabor M.
Message 4 of 12

I am using LabVIEW 2012 on Win 7 Embedded. I have installed 2012 run-time engine but my application would not start. The message is "Unable to locate Run-Time Engine". Can somebody tell me why is that?

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 12

I am using LabVIEW 2012 on Win 7 Embedded. I have installed 2012 run-time engine but my application would not start. The message is "Unable to locate Run-Time Engine". Can somebody tell me why is that?

0 Kudos
Message 6 of 12

etal : I am using LabVIEW 2012 on Win 7 Embedded....


HOW have you made out with this project - LV on Win 7 Embedded ??

0 Kudos
Message 7 of 12



did anybody experience to run a LabVIEW 2015 application on Windows 7 embedded ?

Thanks in advance.


Best regards 

Michael Rohrer 

0 Kudos
Message 8 of 12

Do you encounter any problem? I would not expect any problems with LabVIEW itself since Windows 7 embedded is really just a special version of Windows 7 Ultimate where you can control much more in detail what needs to be installed on the target. Of course if you (or whoever configured the Windows 7 embedded install) would choose to not install pretty fundamental Windows subsystems that might work for a specific target itself but might pose problems for LabVIEW. But with a standard Windows 7 Embedded installation there shouldn't really be any problem in respect to running LabVIEW on it.


Things would get more complicated if your application also makes use of DAQmx or other IO drivers. That is certainly an area where a standard Windows driver could potentially run into trouble but that has strictly speaking nothing to do with LabVIEW.


And if anyone wonders, things look substantially different for Windows 10 Embedded. All but the most expensive Windows 10 IoT Enterprise system are really just Windows RT based systems. They can generally not run standard Win32 processes. Since LabVIEW is a Win32 process it will not run on such a system.

Rolf Kalbermatter
My Blog
Message 9 of 12



thanks for your reply. 

At the moment we are planning to buy an industrial PC with Windows 7 embedded for one of our LabVIEW application. This application has to communicate with 2 RS232 ports, and with TCP IP.

I am going to receive a test PC configured with Windows 7 embedded. I will let you know if it works. 


Michael Rohrer 

0 Kudos
Message 10 of 12