11-12-2014 08:38 AM
hello everyone , you might be read same question many times posted by many users but i did not find answer ...i downloaded almost all codes and check but not found the right VI file
first of all i am totally new to Labview software i am really searching in internet and trying to study to develop own circuit to write data to excel sheet from serial port from some days
but i could not make any further process ,i got some VI files with serial port comuunication but not with writing data to excel sheet or some VI files with writing to excel sheet not with the serial communication. now i even don't have much time to spend to this work ...so i request any one please if you have a VI file with writing data from serial port to excel sheet ...please upload here
please help me now i have to submit to my bachelor project work ...so if anyone have VI file or a place where i can download such VI (write data from serial port communication to excel sheet )file please tell me...please help me someone
thanks alot
11-12-2014 08:47 AM
If you have the parts, you just need to put them together. Give it a try. If you have issues, then post what you have and tell us where you are stuck. We are not here to do your work for you. We are here to help you learn.
08:57 AM
- last edited on
11:27 AM
Content Cleaner
Duplicate - https://forums.ni.com/t5/LabVIEW/write-to-excel-file-from-serial-input/m-p/1821605
How many times do you need to bee told?
11-12-2014 09:03 AM
hello, thanks for reply
first of all i don't know much about labview ...i just got some files from internet as different parts
1. serial port
2. write to excel sheet
basically i don't know how to combine them ...which wire i should connect where from where ?
and please don't mis understood me ...i did not write in my post to make my work ...i said please if you have such file which creat the process of writing data to excel from serial port
because some experience persons might did such application many years back ...
i added 2 files which i want to combine them and make 1 VI file
thanks in advance
11-13-2014 10:13 AM
Hello janybasha,
why do you want to combine these two VIs?
Is the temperature-VI written by you or someone else? Are the calculations there important for you?
Kind Regards,
11-13-2014 11:02 AM
hello , thanks for your reply
first thing i just want to use the concept of writing data from serial port to excel sheet
so i don't get any direct VI file frominternet to make it but i got 2 files which has one with serial port communication and another one with excel sheet writhng
so i decided to combining both but only the concept of serial communication fromone file and excell sheet writing from another file
now , with one of friend help we did serial communication directly writing to excel but probleme is if t1 =10 one time again when loop repeats t1=2 this value is replacing on 1 value in excel sheet ...not placing the values in an order of cloums or rows and also i don't know how to set the colum headers in excel sheet
i attached the file please check it one
thanks alot for your help
11-13-2014 11:06 AM
11-13-2014 11:25 AM
@Dennis_Knutson wrote:
or taking any of the numerous free tutorials here on this site.
like these:
3 Hour Introduction
6 Hour Introduction
LabVEW Basics
Self Paced training for students
Self Paced training beginner to advanced, SSP Required
LabVIEW Wiki on Training
Learning NI
Getting Started with NI Products
11-13-2014 11:27 AM
hello Dennis_Knutson you are right
but at first i thought this is a basic and older process so i can get some code file easily and i can use it i thought but as i am searching searching in internet my time to submit mytask in my university is almost near ...now even i don't have much time to understand labview to develop my own circuit
what ever it would be very nice if my problem in the present circuit is clear , i will be so thankfull to you
please check the attachment , my problem is to set colum headers and also i get data replacements on previouse data instead of placing data in column order or row order
thanks alot for your help
11-13-2014 11:31 AM