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write data from serial port communication to excel sheet

hello friend ...i don't have anything to cheat if you want to answer it answer  to my question or else it is okay ...

i don't know how to save the file in image format in other formats by defalult it saved in bmp and then i converted to jpg 

i added in document file in it i saved image my pc bmp image is a default file format   but what is the problem with VI file i attached ? it is also have problem to open for you?

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Message 11 of 13
Microsoft paint has the option to save as jpg or png. Basic Windows knowledge.

I'm posting by phone so I don't have LabVIEW.

One obvious fault is changing your 1D array to a 2D array. The Write to Spreadsheet has a 1D input. Make sure Context Help is always turned on.
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Message 12 of 13

Hello janybasha,


Could you take a look at this thread? At the beginning it is about writing data, but it's about reading and writing to excel, too. On page 2 threre is a VI (Write and Read Example) where you can see how data is read and written to excel.
How to connect Read From Spreadsheet to VISA Write?

Kind Regards,


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Message 13 of 13