09-21-2015 02:49 PM
Hello Community,
I have a project running, containing the reading and writing from Smartcards (i have blank cards, no illegal stuff here!). I have found in earlier threads a .vi where i can read a Smartcard with a smartcard-reader in LabVIEW (winscard.dll).
In this project i want to write arrays containing strings, numbers etc.. First question: ist it possible to write simpe text files on smartcards?
How is it possible to write on smartcards with winscard.dll (with a smartcard writer)?
Can i use the TresMan.vi (attached below) as Subvi?
I would be very greatful for solutions.
I will answer questions any time
09-22-2015 05:01 AM
Hi Benjamin,
it should be possible to write text files on smartcards with a smartcard writer.
It is also possible to acces the smartcard with the winscard.dll.
The VI you attached does only read from a smartcard (after establishing connection and so on). So you might want to adjust it to your purpose. If you open (double click) on the "Call library function Node" in the VI you can browse through the different functions and calls of the WinScard.dll (this, by the way, is provided by Microsoft and just called by LabVIEW).
Hope this helped a little.
09-22-2015 08:21 AM
Thanks for the answer, i found my problem. I am using memory crads. That is the reason why i can not write with the TresMan.vi on my card. Is there any VI or .dll describing the writing on memorycards via LabVIEW?
03:29 AM
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01:57 PM
Content Cleaner
As far as I understand you want to write a textfile to a memorycard, right?
You can use the File I/O Vis in your LabView pallette. A description of the functions is here.
There is also an example VI in the LabVIEW Example Finder (LabVIEW -> Help -> Find Examples -> Write To Text File and Read From Text File.vi)
09-23-2015 03:58 AM
thanks anna for the reply.
i tried it but i cant get the smartcard reader to connect. The easiest way is to connect it via COM Port but i don't know how i can create an virtual comport with a USB device. Furthermore i dont know how to connect a USB device to LabVIEW to read an write it. I took the VISA USB vi but i couldnt get the paramters to work. Could you help me with this matter?
09-23-2015 04:01 AM
I tried to install the smartcard reader as USB Raw but i got a MAX error. I disabled the driversignature so i can install ist. in the device manager i can see it as USB device now but when i try to open it in Labview an error occurs which says that no usb raw device is connected
09-23-2015 04:05 AM
What kind of memory card do you use? Why do you have a smart card reader? I don't really understand the connection here...
09-23-2015 04:29 AM
i have this one http://www.amazon.de/gp/product/B00PY0CNYM?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o03_s00. i think the term smartcard/memorycard is confusing and used for different media devices
05:08 AM
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01:58 PM
Content Cleaner
Did you already try this:https://knowledge.ni.com/KnowledgeArticleDetails?id=kA03q000000x1qzCAA&l=en-US
09-28-2015 03:27 AM
sorry for the late answer. Yes u tried it but it always occurs an error. the driver could not be installed properly and in NI MAX no usb device is shown