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write to excel file from serial input?

I have a string coming into the VI that looks like this   20.145,%,0000,0000 and it graphs the 20.145 number as it runs. I want to save that number into an excel file so that I can use it later. When I export from labview however it only reports the first 2 digits, ie 20, 19, 21 as rounded numbers. So really I guess I am asking how to change the significant figures labview records for now but eventually I would like this to automatically save the data to an excel spreadsheet or txt file or something.

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Message 1 of 11

Numeric control needs to be of type double.  Right click the control>>Properties>>Display Format for sig. figures and precision.  I assume you are performing some sort of string/numberic conversion.  Can you post your VI?

Reese, (former CLAD, future CLD)

Some people call me the Space Cowboy!
Some call me the gangster of love.
Some people call me MoReese!
...I'm right here baby, right here, right here, right here at home
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 11

Sounds like another LabVIEW user used "Decimal String to Number" instead of "Fract/exp String to Number ". "Number to Decimal String" formats strings of integers e.g. "99" to 0d99  and can only recognize the characters "0-9" and "+" or "-" (limited to 1 sign).  "Fract/exp String to Number"  outputs floating point numbers e.g "20.145" to 20.145000

"Should be" isn't "Is" -Jay
Message 3 of 11

hello, did you made vi file for writing data from serial port to excel ? i am also doing sameconcept based work but idon't know how to do it 

can you send me that file i  can useit for my application thank you in adavance (

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 11
You should have started a new thread instead of posting to something so old.

The Write to Spreadsheet File can create a text file that Excel can import. The Write to Measurement File can create a native Excel file. The Report Generation Toolkit can create a native Excel file. You can create a tdms file and use a plug-in to import to Excel. You can use ActiveX to create native Excel files.

There have been thousands of examples posted on this very common question. Please attach what you have tried so far.
0 Kudos
Message 5 of 11

heyyy thank you for your reply ...i attacted my file to read data from serial port now i want to read the data into excel file 

i was looking for such exaples in internet but i did not find a good exaple programme which i can use it for my application 


i read data like t1 =10 t2=20 ...  now i want to read this data into a excel file as column headers t1 and t2 ....and values are in vertical order 

thank you in advance 

0 Kudos
Message 6 of 11
The fact that you are using serial, a DAQ card, or anything else, is not really relevant. Have you looked at the functions I mentioned? Have you tried Help>Find Examples? Have you simply searched the forum for 'Excel'?
0 Kudos
Message 7 of 11

For more information and some sample VI's and tool kits, you can go to the excel board

0 Kudos
Message 8 of 11

thanks for yore reply ...i have really not good knowledge in labview to develop ...i found some examples in internet but no example VI files with writing data from serial port to excel ...they are with different application

i just got a VI file to read data from serial port as you can see VI file above i have to write that data into excel sheet how?...or else do you got some example files to read into excel from serial port  orelse if you tel me step by step process that would be so great of you ...please some one help me... 

0 Kudos
Message 9 of 11

Did you see Dennis Knutson's suggestion to look for examples (in LabVIEW Help and on this Discussion Forum) yourself?  There is a Search Function here on the Discussion Forum -- try typing in "Write Excel" and see if this helps you.  You will learn a lot more by doing this yourself ...



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Message 10 of 11