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writing data in the correct format

I am taking current and voltage measurements and writing them to a spreadsheet file. My program runs a voltage sweep and records the drive voltage and current responce of a sample. This is done several times using a for loop. Currently the file writes all the voltage measurements in a group of columns then all the current measurments in a group of columns. My understanding is that the program is writing the data from the first channel first and the data from the second channel second. I am looking for a way to write to the spreadsheet file so that the voltage data from the each iteration of the for loop is next to the current data from the corrisponding loop. .
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Message 1 of 9

first you need to build a 2d array  of the data collected then send it to a spreadsheet. 



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Message 2 of 9
Here's a real primitive example
Eric P. Nichols
P.O. Box 56235
North Pole, AK 99705
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Message 3 of 9
Ya the question is a bit beyond turning data into a 2-d arrray and exporting to a spread sheet. When you do that you get severl columns of voltage and several columns of current. I am looking for a way, perferably through a loop structure to alternate the columns of current and voltage data so that they can be compared easly. I would prefer to take many sweeps at a time, in the hundreds, so I dont want to have to build a set of delete from array and insert into arrays for every sweep.
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Message 4 of 9
Try this one on for size.
Eric P. Nichols
P.O. Box 56235
North Pole, AK 99705
0 Kudos
Message 5 of 9

Sorry eric I cant open your attachments. I am on labview 7.1 if we are using different versions then that could explain it. if you post a pic then I could probably get the jist of it


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Message 6 of 9
Let's see if this works....the resolution isn't too hot.
Eric P. Nichols
P.O. Box 56235
North Pole, AK 99705
0 Kudos
Message 7 of 9

I dont think that is a good solution. I am using two 2-d arrays, the tunnel junctions are indexed to the loop, I want to interleave the rows, or columns it doesnt really matter which, so that the arrays plot each sweep of the loop side by side. I am also trying to avoid a while loop so that the program ends on its own


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Message 8 of 9

Hi Ed,

It might be helpful if you posted your code, or a screenshot.  I'm not sure at this point if it would be easier to change the way you are building up the 2D array, or to manipulate the array after it has been built.  Are you actually using the Write to Spreadsheet VI?  This will be the easiest VI to use, but the regular Write File VI will give you a bit more control over how the data is written.

Best Regards,
Megan B.
National Instruments

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Message 9 of 9