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xl sheet table column and row header


         sorry i two program is difference(XL sheet and actual attached program).now here attached my correct program and can i show the Header(Test Screen).actual it will display but hide.than i go to change manually  menu view,page layout it i can programatically show.

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Message 21 of 32


      and allso i need how to chanage XL sheet even Row Color.programatically using activeX


i will do it normal XL sheet using this i want this same thing in Activex property

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Message 22 of 32


          how to merge the cell.i try to this image format but return the error .i thik i given input is wroung so pls tell me how to give input to merge property node.

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Message 23 of 32


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Message 24 of 32

How many times to we need to ask you to send VIs, not pictures of VIs?  Do you really expect us to look at a picture of your code, open our copy of LabVIEW, and spend the time to duplicate what we can see of the code you sent?  If you want us to help you, please, make every effort to make it as easy for us as possible!  Is that difficult to understand?  Post Code, Not Pictures.


Bob "No Pictures, Please" Schor

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Message 25 of 32

sorry i attached my to merge some cell..

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Message 26 of 32

I don't see a Merge request in the code you attached.  Why do I bother ...

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Message 27 of 32

sorry woroungly attached attached my orignal code..

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Message 28 of 32

OK, now I see the Merge.  It is curious that you specify the Merge Range backwards (C2:B2).  Not wanting to look up ActiveX, I looked at how the Report Generation Toolbox does this (I also searched the Web for how to Merge Excel Cells using ActiveX).  It's not particularly pretty -- you need to create a Range Object from B2:C2 and then use this as the Range argument to the Merge Method (with, as near as I can tell, Across unwired).


Assuming that you ever get this to work, have you thought about how you are going to document this and maintain it?  Are you confident that if you come back to this code in six months (because you want to do something similar, but different, using Excel), you will understand the code you have already written?  Yikes ...


Bob Schor

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Message 29 of 32

Of course you need to wire a reference to the range you want to merge to the Range Merge method. Right now you wired a reference to the worksheet cells range so guess what you are trying to merge: all the cells of the active worksheet. Probably not what you want.


Across is an optional input that takes a boolean input (default is FALSE). Now go to Excel and select an empty 2D range. In the Home tab click on the small arrow at the right of "Merge and Center" to open the dropdown menu and select "Merge Across". See what setting across to TRUE is doing? It is merging the cells of each rows separately instead of merging everything to 1 big "cell".



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Message 30 of 32