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Trim White Space

Status: New

Other text editors such as UltraEdit have the capability to trim white space from the end of lines.  This would be a useful feature, as sometimes extra white space can end up at the end of lines, and is annoying when copy/pasting, etc.  I would expect to find it under Options->Editor Preferences, similar to the tab/space settings.


Check out RemoveSurroundingWhiteSpace(...). It won't help when copying or pasting, but is useful when reading in text files.


That function is only useful when reading in a text file by a program.  I am talking about wanting to trim white space in the C file itself, not a secondary file used by the program.  Copying/Pasting code snippets between files/functions invariably ends up with extra whitespace at the ends of lines in the C file.  When wanting to further edit/comment the line, pressing the 'end' key goes to the end of the whitespace, which is annoying.