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64 bit large files

Hi All!

I need to deal with binary files larger then 5 Gigabytes. I use DevC++ complier too, and I can do everything with fseeko64(), ftello64()...
But I cannot use these functions in LabWin8.0. I searched the topics, but I could not find any final solution for this problem... Is there any way to put additional library or something to make LabWin work on large files? something like f64_t.h or any support?
Thank you very much for the help,

András Bükki-Deme
0 Kudos
Message 1 of 9

LabWindows/CVI supports  64 bit integer files, I found a knowledgebase about supporting
64 bit integers and tested it in CVI 8.1 and it worked. You define it as __int64

Link to the KB: Link

Christoph Strasser| AE NIG
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 9
Thank you, but I knew that I can use "long long" -->   __int64 integers in LabWin.
 My question was about, how I can position and get position value back in a large file (> 2^32), like functions in C:
ftello64(), fseeko64() ?
Is there any simple way, i mean a function, to get the solution, or no inner support in LabWin for large files?
Thanks for advice,
best regards,

András Bükki-Deme
0 Kudos
Message 3 of 9

Hi Andras,

Check out the Large file support and How to obtain the file length of a file larger than 4G discussion forum posts. These provide some good information with regards to working with large data files in LabWindows/CVI.

Also, another option might be to create a wrapper DLL for the 64-bit seek functions and call that from LabWindows/CVI.

I would first take a look at the posts.

Hope this helps!

Best Regards,

Jonathan N.
National Instruments
Message 4 of 9

Thank you very much, I will try the dll method I think.
Best regards,

András Bükki-Deme
0 Kudos
Message 5 of 9
Hi Again,

Actually, I have to say that, in both links what you gave me, there are not really a solution, one of them only talks about how to get a lenght, but no positioning. The other has also no solution for the large file problem. I have to try the mentioned dll stuff because i can see no other way, so I have to learn how to do it...
Does anybody know, when NI will include a library what supports large file positioning and handling in the future?
Thanks for the tipps, and info,
best regards,

Andras Bukki-Deme
0 Kudos
Message 6 of 9
I have an other idea, maybe if I write a code in DevC++ that position in a large file, and gives the size back too, and I make an .exe from it, and
if i call this exe from LabWin (system("   "); i think) with parameters, this should work... ? I give it a try 🙂   (I am not really expert about dll-s 🙂 )
0 Kudos
Message 7 of 9
Hi Andras,

Actually the first link I sent you discusses using the SetFilePointer Windows SDK method. This function allows you to position the file pointer in a file and even get the current file pointer's position. See the Microsoft help on SetFilePointer.

Best Regards,

Message Edited by Jonathan N on 05-23-2007 08:02 AM

Jonathan N.
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 8 of 9
thanks, sorry, so i was not right, there IS a solution 🙂
I will check it,
thank you again,
best regards,

0 Kudos
Message 9 of 9