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I need someone to double check me to make sure I do not have an OS problem with our systems.  When I run this under CVI 7.1.1 on a WinXP SP2 system it returns
"NI7SEG"  not  the expected "NI7SegMetaFont" in fontName.
  int hIndicator;
  int fontNameWidth;
  char *fontName=NULL;
  int status;
  // create a numeric indicator
  hIndicator= NewCtrl(panel, CTRL_NUMERIC_LS, "Numeric Ctrl", 10, 10);
  SetCtrlAttribute(panel, hIndicator, ATTR_CTRL_MODE, VAL_INDICATOR);
  SetCtrlAttribute(panel, hIndicator, ATTR_DATA_TYPE, VAL_INTEGER);
  status=SetCtrlAttribute(panel, hIndicator, ATTR_TEXT_FONT,  VAL_7SEG_META_FONT);
  SetCtrlAttribute(panel, hIndicator, ATTR_TEXT_POINT_SIZE, 30);
  SetCtrlAttribute(panel, hIndicator, ATTR_TEXT_JUSTIFY, VAL_RIGHT_JUSTIFIED);
  // get the font
  GetCtrlAttribute (panel, hIndicator, ATTR_TEXT_FONT_NAME_LENGTH, &fontNameWidth);
  status=GetCtrlAttribute (panel, hIndicator, ATTR_TEXT_FONT, fontName);
  // expected "NI7SegMetaFont", but found "NI7SEG"
Thanks in advance for any insight into what is going on here.
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Message 1 of 3
The reason you are getting a different font is because when you change the point size of the control's font, you are changing the criteria that made "NI7Seg" a metafont. A metafont implies not only a typeface ("NI7Seg") but also a size, italics, strikeout, etc. Once you change any of these things, you are still keeping the same typeface, but it is no longer the metafont.
If you need it to be a metafont, and you need to it to have a point size of 30, you will have to create your own metafont, using the CreateMetaFont function.
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Message 2 of 3
Thanks for clearing that up for me.  I am not that knowledgeable on font related details.  As usual, learning something new all the time.
I appreciate the answer.
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Message 3 of 3