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Acquire data from hbm MGC_Plus in CVI

Hi all,

I am using LabWindoes/CVI and want to get measured data from an MGC_Plus measurement amplifiere from hbm. I also want to set up the amplifiere with CVI. HBM publish some ActiveX things for VBA and Microsoft Visual C++ but I don't know how to use these things in CVI.

Best Regards from Germnay,
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Message 1 of 2
Hi chemph,

you can use the LabWindows/CVI ActiveX Controller Wizard to Generate Code. The ActiveX Controller Wizard will generate a new instrument driver for an ActiveX server. This instrument driver contains functions to instantiate the server's object, reference existing server objects, get/set the object's properties, and call the object's methods.

Take a look at the following KnowledgeBase:
"Using the ActiveX Controller Wizard to Generate Code in LabWindows/CVI"

Best Regards
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