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Activate selective compîle with Build command

1) By "checking C rules", I mean simply compile 1 fila to chek that grammar of modified file is valid or not: if OK, I start a build process and my file is recompiled! It is just related to standard C rules, no personal ones.

2) I tried the Build Clean: result is the same, rechecking all source files, showing warning even in not modified files.

3) Patch applied makes no change on my CVI: may be because it is still an evaluation version? I was waiting for my application to work on new environment before paying for it.

4) I'll check the log option tomorrow.


0 Kudos
Message 11 of 14

Just for the record, I'm going to add the link to your second thread (in French) here, where you have reported that the issue has been solved, so that other users can refer to this solution in the future, because as you described in your second thread, the problem was a time sync issue after all:

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Message 12 of 14

Can you confirm it means that CVI doesn't check any change on the file (modification attribute, modified date vs previous one...) and just check if time (date/hour) is greater than another one (from previous compilation or from system time)?

It is a "bad way of thinking" for such a selective operation: any file with a bad day/time (can occur with several machines in heterogeneous environment) will be considered as a new (or modified) one 😞



0 Kudos
Message 13 of 14

yes it is a kind of time sync issue but, for me, with deeper causes in the CVI build process.

0 Kudos
Message 14 of 14