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Are CVI 2013 SP2 UIR files different from earlier versions, e.g. 2013 SP1?

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When opening my project the first time after upgrading to CVI2013 SP2 (from SP1), editing the UI file, saving it, the tab order of the corresponding UI include file changes. Repeating this action, i.e., editing the UI file and saving it, however, keeps the tab order.


I tried this for different UI files with the same observation - the first change is different from subsequent changes...


So I am wondering what changed - why is the tab order rearranged the first time? (yes, this was a bug that has been fixed in SP2, so I would expect some different behavior as compared to SP1, but it appears that the fix works only after the UI file has been saved in a SP2 environment...) CVI only shows 2013 UIR file so I am wondering if there is some hidden, undocumented change of file format?

0 Kudos
Message 1 of 13

Hello Wolfgang,


Are you referring to the tab order of the controls within an uir, the tab order of windows in the editor or the order of the windows in the editor?

Also which bug are you referring to that was fixed in SP2?

The uir format did  not change in SP2.



0 Kudos
Message 2 of 13

Hi Constantin,


I was referring to


456105 The Source Code Browser tab order is not preserved on subsequent workspace loads.


This, however, is true only after the UI file has been saved in SP2, if you edit an older UI file, say from SP1, the tab order in the soruce code browser changes for the UI include file.

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Message 3 of 13

Well, it seems the behavior you are seeing is not related to CAR 456105.


Even in older versions, if you have the uir header file open in editor and you make a change in the uir that results in a change in the header file, the header file is moved to the last position in the editor. It's equivalent to closing the header file and opening it again. When it is reopened it will be the last in the tab order. How bad do you think this behavior is?



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Message 4 of 13

well, it's not bad Smiley Wink - it's just not consistent: if you open the UI file a second time, change something, save it, then the include file does not move anymore... if you restart CVI, modify the UI file, save it, the include file also does not move (more precisely: did not move for me) - so in the two cases I investigated it happened only after I modified an older UI file...

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Message 5 of 13

If you open another file that is not already open and than modifiy the uir doesn't the header file move to the end?

It looks like the header file is quickly closed and opened again. That's causing the tab order to change.

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Message 6 of 13

I didn't try that - in my smaller project (consisting of 12 files only) I load and open all files so that I can quickly switch back and force, I do not need to open another file... so the new SP2 fix looks fine, all tabs remain where they are - with the one exception mentioned.

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Message 7 of 13
(5,465 Views) also does not seem to explain that if I load and open an old UI file the position of the include file changes, while if I do the same for a new UI file this does not happen - maybe I missed the point...?

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Message 8 of 13

It's not a matter of old or new uir files and it'n not related to CAR 456105.

Whenever you change an uir that results in a change of the .h, the .h is moved to the end. If it's already to the end you can't see that, just the tab order.

0 Kudos
Message 9 of 13



I understand your explanation, however... compare the two cases:


- if I load a project with a UIR saved in CVI2013 or CVI2013SP1, load the UI include file and move it to a left tab position. Then I edit a numeric control and change range checking say from coerce to ignore, and save the UI file. As explained by you the include file is rewritten and thus re-appears at the right-most tab position.


- now I quit CVI, reload the same files (but now the UI has been saved by CVI2013SP2) and do the same procedure: load the UI include file and move it to a left tab position. Then I edit a numeric control and change range checking say back from ignore to coerce, and save the UI file. Now the UI include file keeps its (center) position...


So, why is the UI file re-written in one case but not in the other?

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Message 10 of 13