11-10-2020 10:53 AM
Good afternoon,
I am using CVI 2017 ,and especially i do build a specific DLL (lets call is DLL_A). This DLL includes some fucntions from the library libXML2.
And when i am loading and calling my DLL_A, i have an issue (error -25) which is due to the fact that this DLL_A, includes some codes that needs some function defined in the LIB/DLL provided by LibXML2. And it s not possible to load 2 dll in the same time.
So is there a way to fix this kind of issue whithout having to refactor the code?
Thanky ou
11-13-2020 06:22 AM
What do you mean with this?
And it s not possible to load 2 dll in the same time.
If a DLL could not depend on other DLLs, no Windows application could work ever since the entire Windows API is one huge collection of DLLs that depend on each other.
11-13-2020 10:48 AM
Yes , indeed, it looks strange.
But i am trying to find why this DLL is failing to initialize when i use GetExternalModuleAddr .., since it returns a status error=-25.
And when i comment the calls to the libxml2 library, the error disappear...
So i am trying to guess why this libmxl2.lib is giving me issue..
11-23-2020 04:11 AM
Try to use the Windows APIs LoadLibraryA() and GetProcAddress() instead. The GetExternalModuleAddr() is a legacy function that does add nothing to the loading of DLLs under Windows.