06-06-2011 12:06 PM
I have a legacy exe that was developed with CVI version 7.1 for a Windows 2000 target. I still have the same target, but I have to make a few mods to the code, and I'm wondering if I can upgrade to CVI 8.5.1 (356). I am developing on a Windows XP machine with 8.5.1 on it, and I'd like to make mods and create another exe for said target. Are there any obvious issues I'll have?
06-06-2011 01:14 PM
according to this site http://digital.ni.com/public.nsf/allkb/3FA3982EBA12B3D286256896005FAA39 CVI 8.5.1 will not work with Windows 2000, you will have to stick to CVI 8.5 or earlier.
Hth, Wolfgang
06-06-2011 02:14 PM
I just found out that our target machine was updated with service pack 4, so I think 8.5.1 should work.