04-20-2016 03:10 AM
I have a wierd question, I admit 😄
Well, I'm calling somwhere in my code a function to write a signal CAN (nxt_Write_SignalSinglePoint). I'm using CVI2013 + Automotive diagnostic command set. I have a PXI 8513/2 for CAN communication.
This function works great. The problem is that I think that there is a delay between the moment of calling this function, and the real moment when the frame CAN is generated electrically.
So, to get the instant of calling the Write function, I can use GetLocalTime function. Even if I really appreciate if this last function return the time in micro-seconds.
But how can I get the moment when starting generating the CAN frame physically ?
That's it, for the moment 😄
04-21-2016 11:51 AM
You could probably do a loopback of the CAN signal and have it trigger into some DIO line and read that in. Something like this would have to be done through hardware as I don't think there's anyway to find out just through software.