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Change Y axis name orientation in a graph

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Hi to all!


I am trying to change the orientation of the Y axis name in a graph.

I could not find neither any attributes that allows me to do it easilly nor anything on the forum about it.


Any ideas?


Many thanks in advance



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Message 1 of 3
in the UI editor, go to Edit Axis Settings / Label Style: here you can adjust the angle of the text
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Message 2 of 3
Accepted by topic author ZeBen

Dear Wolfgang,


First of all, thank you very much for your quick answer.


I have looked for the option to change the orientation of the Y axis NAME in the Axis Settings, but I could not find anything (maybe it is because I am not using CVI v2009 but CVI v9.0.0)


Anyway, a previous message on this forum suggested me that the problem could come from the font I was using for my graph


...and BINGO!


I change the font from NIEditor to NIDialogMetaFont, and my Y axis NAME has been automatically put vertically.


All the best



Message Edité par ZeBen le 03-29-2010 07:36 AM
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Message 3 of 3