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Collapsing regions bug



I find the 'Collapse All' feature really usefull when creating large code files, but it seems to doesn't work correctly in very large files. I'm creating a program with a .c file with about 5000 lines (and it will be increased), and lots of functions. Since some weeks ago, when I use the Collapse All feature, it works, but if then I modify code inside a function and use collapse/expand, weird things begin to happen. Sometimes it happens without modifying any code, just collapsing/expanding individual functions.

I'm using XP SP2, CVI 8.5 in a laptop Toshiba Satellite, 1GB RAM, T2400 @ 1,83 GHz duo processor.


Here's an example:



The code reads like this:






Then, I collapse everything:






Finally, I expand and collapse again the function ConfPanelARChangeCB, and the function ConfigPanelSaveParams expands automatically in a wrong way (this kind of things doesn't happen always, just sometimes)




Is there any way to fix this?


Thank you,

Eduardo Tamargo (Spain)


Mensaje editado por Tamargo
0 Kudos
Message 1 of 5

Hello Eduardo,


I am trying to reproduce your problem but without any luck. I am using a file with 15000 lines and hundreds of functions. As I said, I can't get he problem to show on my machine.

If you would not mind, I could try to reproduce it with your specific file. In that case, please let me know where I can email you instructions on how to upload the file onto your National Instruments FTP server. I would use your file only to reproduce this problem and then I would delete it, I will not share the code with anybody.




Message 2 of 5

Hello Eduardo,


it turns out it's actually even easier to submit files to National Instruments.

Once you upload the file to, please let me know the file name and I'll look at it.

Note: files uploaded to cannot be viewed by other customers, only by employees of National Instruments.




0 Kudos
Message 3 of 5

Hello LDP,


The file is 'SpectrumStudio.c'. Maybe you can try to collapse all and then collapse/uncollapse different functions and watch if lower functions are shown correctly. I've just try to make it with some spececifical functions, but I can't find a pattern for tihs. I think maybe I have some file corrupted or out of RAM problems. You can also try to add blank lines inside a function without modifying regions limited by braces, and collapse again.



Thank you for your patience

Eduardo Tamargo

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 5

Hello Eduardo,


I was able to reproduce the problem with your code, thank you for providing the file.

We are currently investigating the main cause and will work on a fix for it.


Thank you


Message Edited by ldp on 03-10-2009 06:23 PM
Message 5 of 5