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Corrupt uir on SMB share

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Hello all,

first of all, can anyone tell me if the enclosed CVI2010 .UIR file is corrupted ?


- it opens fine in CVI as a local file

- it opens fine as a local file with LoadPanel from my executable

- on a Samba share I get "Unable to open interface resource file ... Unexpectedly reached end of file."

- using LoadPanel I get NON-FATAL RUN-TIME ERROR:   "l:\dim_v17r5\DimGpio\Diagram.c", line 225, col 18, thread id 0x00000A88:   Library function error (return value == -92 [0xffffffa4]). Unexpectedly reached end of file
- on Linux it crashes in LoadPanel with a core dump


Other (smaller) UIR files work fine in all circumstances. This file used to work fine. And now I'm unable to work because I cannot work locally (and the Linux version won't run either).


This problem seem related to this one but is different... Still, the WinXP where I run CVI is in a VirtualBox. The files are on shared folder from a large SAN, samba for Windows, NFS for the Linux side.


If you guys don't think the file is corrupted, and I think you won't because I've checked the checksum from the previous working version, then it's some weird Samba/VirtualBox interaction bug.

0 Kudos
Message 1 of 6

Using CVI2012SP1 I was able to open your UI file - looks like a mass spectrometer Smiley Happy

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 6

Can you place it on a samba share and open it from there ?


BTW, I forgot to add those lines from the CVIDebugLog.txt:

[12:36:10.388] [WARNING] [LWRecallPanelState] [..\james\ui_panel.c:3608] Err = -92
[12:36:10.403] [WARNING] [LoadPanelFromFile] [..\james\ui_file.c:3351] Err = -92
[12:36:10.434] [WARNING] [LWLoadPanelEx] [..\james\ui_panel.c:2948] Err = -92


0 Kudos
Message 3 of 6

works the same - everything seems to be o.k.

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 6

Clicked on the wrong button... no solution yet!


I worked around the error in the IDE by using a .TUI instead of a .UIR file. I load the local copy of the .UIR, save it as TUI on the network share and LoadPanel the TUI file. Deeply annoying but it works.


Now it may or may not be related but when this problem started I also had the problem that some UIR files wouldn't load on Linux. I have plenty of programs that work fine, but the same one that fails on Windows also fails on Linux. It also fails with the TUI files.


One more weirdness: in the IDE, if I import the .TUI and try to save over the non-working .UIR, it refuses to write: "Unable to save user interface resource file ...uir (badly formed pathname)". There's nothing strange in its pathname.


[17:32:58.122] [WARNING] [GetctrlIdData] [..\james\ui_tag.c:440] Trying to retrieve control ID data for invalid ID.
[17:32:58.122] [WARNING] [GetMenuItemHandle] [..\james\ui_menu.c:134] Err = -11
[17:32:58.122] [WARNING] [DimMenuItem] [..\james\ui_menu.c:2615] Err = -11
[17:32:58.122] [ERROR] [NationalInstruments_Restricted::LicenseCommon::getAddOnRegistryInfo] [..\licmgr\LicenseCommon.cpp:83] Error reading licensing information from registry key 'SOFTWARE\National Instruments\CVI\12.0\AddOns\Real-Time'
[17:33:24.778] [WARNING] [GetctrlIdData] [..\james\ui_tag.c:440] Trying to retrieve control ID data for invalid ID.
[17:33:24.794] [WARNING] [GetMenuItemHandle] [..\james\ui_menu.c:134] Err = -11
[17:33:24.794] [WARNING] [DimMenuItem] [..\james\ui_menu.c:2615] Err = -11
[17:33:24.794] [ERROR] [NationalInstruments_Restricted::LicenseCommon::getAddOnRegistryInfo] [..\licmgr\LicenseCommon.cpp:83] Error reading licensing information from registry key 'SOFTWARE\National Instruments\CVI\12.0\AddOns\Real-Time'
[17:33:28.169] [WARNING] [LoadResIdList] [..\james\ui_file.c:711] Err = -101
[17:33:28.231] [WARNING] [LoadResIdList] [..\james\ui_file.c:711] Err = -101
[17:33:28.263] [WARNING] [LoadResIdList] [..\james\ui_file.c:711] Err = -101
[17:33:31.200] [WARNING] [GetctrlIdData] [..\james\ui_tag.c:440] Trying to retrieve control ID data for invalid ID.
[17:33:31.216] [WARNING] [GetMenuItemHandle] [..\james\ui_menu.c:134] Err = -11
[17:33:31.216] [WARNING] [DimMenuItem] [..\james\ui_menu.c:2615] Err = -11
[17:33:56.825] [WARNING] [GetctrlIdData] [..\james\ui_tag.c:440] Trying to retrieve control ID data for invalid ID.
[17:33:56.825] [WARNING] [GetMenuItemHandle] [..\james\ui_menu.c:134] Err = -11
[17:33:56.825] [WARNING] [DimMenuItem] [..\james\ui_menu.c:2615] Err = -11
[17:34:06.341] [WARNING] [DescribeFont] [..\lvsource\savescrp.c:1550] Describing Other Font (you shouldn't really do this yet[SR2])
[17:34:07.216] [WARNING] [SaveUIRFile] [..\james\ui_file.c:502] Err = -100
[17:34:07.247] [WARNING] [SaveUIEditorWindow] [..\james\ui_edwin.c:2179] Err = -100


0 Kudos
Message 5 of 6
Accepted by gdargaud

Found it. My Samba share had reverted to a Vbox share. How, I have no idea. It took me a long time to figure it out.

0 Kudos
Message 6 of 6