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Creating General Waveform with X Series

Hi all ,


I have CVI 9.1 And UBS NI-6356.


I want to create a software that will set Analog output General ( Arbitrary ) linear waveform based on var that will be set on the my GUI.


For example if I'll set :


Start voltage - 1V  Start time - 0ms

End Voltage - V  End time - 50ms


Freq - 50hz 

Number of points - 500.


The soft will take all the vars and create a Linear equation ( Voltage , Time ) , create an array of data for the wave form and send it throw analog output.


My problem is that I need to use the arbitrary wave form with the NI Fgen but the examples are not so clear is there any explanation page ? Or maybe some one can copy only the needed functions...


Thank you.






Kobi Kalif
Software Engineer

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Update :


Since I realized my mistake the NIFGEN is not for the x Series ! Now I want to make a simple analog function output of waveforms....


and good example you know ?

Kobi Kalif
Software Engineer

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 3

A good place to start would be our C examples for generating voltage with DAQmx.


With DAQmx installed, navigate to: Start Menu >> Programs >> National Instruments >> NI-DAQ >> Text-based code support >> Ansi C Examples >> Analog Out >> Generate Voltage.


There are several good examples in this folder that will work with CVI.




National Instruments
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