09-11-2012 11:40 AM
Hi Jeff,
When sending "*IDN?\n" using the Test Panel, I get the Model "DSO1024A,CN50209337,00.04.0 ..."
How can I write other comands in this panel?
09-13-2012 10:04 AM
Hi YGraphPopup,
In this link you can find a basic guide on how to use the VISA Test Panel.
Eric NI
09-19-2012 11:32 AM
Hi Eric,
The error accur on the viCheckErr (viQueryf (io, ":MEAS:%s? %s, %s", "%le", AG1000NI_VAL_RISING == Direction? "PDE" : "NDE", Source1, Source2, Measurement)); command.
What should I write on the VISA Test Panel Write command?
09-21-2012 01:54 PM
Hello YGraphPopup,
Please reference your instrument's programmers reference manual to find a list of commands that your instrument recognizes. If "MEAS" is a valid command, try that.
Jeff L.
10-14-2012 10:26 AM
Hi Jeff,
I couldn't get any response with several strings that I have sent via the Test Panel.
I also got no solution from Agilent that said problem is related to NI driver.
What else can be done in order to make driver work with the Model I have (connect in a remote to my PC!?) ?