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Dist. Kit fails to install, reports a higher version already exists

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I am using CVI 8.5.1 on Windows XP sp 2.  distribution kit fails to install executable for a project, sites that a newer version already exists.  However previous versions do not exist on either the c: drive nor are they listed in ControlPanel Add or Remove Programs.  Any ideas?


0 Kudos
Message 1 of 6

Can you try running the installer from a command prompt like so:


setup.exe /log logfile.txt


then post back the log file?


Mert A.

National Instruments

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 6
Mert, here is the logfile from the cmd line execution of the msi...
0 Kudos
Message 3 of 6
Accepted by topic author Ryykker

The installer is finding indications that version 1.0.14 of your software already exists on the system. If that is not true, then there may have been some problem during uninstallation of that version. If you search your registry for the product code {7D8D2E0B-CEB1-44D0-A081-1B0C039F9157}, I'm sure you'll get some hits. If the software cannot be uninstalled from Add/Remove Programs as you say, then I would recommend using the attached MSIBlast utility to forceably remove any traces of it. Unzip and run the program, then select the "Show All Installers" radio button at the top. Find your software (by name, but double check the product code) in the list, then uninstall it. Be very careful when using this utility that you uninstall the right thing. You don't want to accidentally remove something important.


Mert A.

National Instruments

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 6


msiBlast did the trick.  I was finally able to install the new build. Thanks.  

However, there are some other oddities that I am finding about the installer.  For example, now that my install is complete, I would expect to find the program listed under Start->Programs along with a few other items such as uninstall.exe.   According to "Distributing Applications with the LabWindows/CVI 8.x Distribution Kit" in the NI Developer zone site, ( )  having an application shortcut here is the default for CVI distributions.  One possible contributing factor, this distribution kit was converted by the new msi editor from an older version of CVI.  Do you have any ideas on getting the default build to include application shortcuts and uninstall utilities in the StartPrograms menu?




0 Kudos
Message 5 of 6

The converted distribution should have an application shortcut installed to the same location that the older version did. If you go to Build>>Distributions>>Edit <name>, then go to the Shortcuts tab, you should see any shortcuts that are being installed. If you need to add one for Start>>Programs:

1. Go to the Files tab, and ensure that [Start>>Programs] appears in the lower left Installation Files & Directories folder tree. If it does not, you'll have to right-click and add it from the All Installation Locations submenu.

2. If you want a folder for your application in the Start>>Programs menu (which you probably do), then right-click the [Start>>Programs] folder and select New Subdirectory. Name the directory whatever you like.

3. Now that you've set up a destination for your shortcut, go to the Shortcuts tab, right-click, and select New Shortcut from the menu. Select your program's executable as the target file, and set the destination directory to [Start>>Programs]\<YourAppFolder>.


The distribution relies on using the Add/Remove Programs list for uninstallation; we don't create/install any uninstallation shortcut. Adding an uninstall shortcut would be tricky without built-in support from CVI. If that's something you would really like to have, you can file a product suggestion for a future version.


Mert A.

National Instruments

0 Kudos
Message 6 of 6