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Error in Interactive Execution Window kills CVI

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Consider the following code:


#include <ansi_c.h>

double y;

y = cosh ( 1000.0 );


This (correctly) yields an ERANGE error. If this code is run in the interactive execution window a popup shows up reporting the non-fatal run time error. So far everything is fine...

However, if you now choose to select 'Continue' the complete CVI window disappears from screen - the only chance to continue is to use the task bar icon and select 'Close Window'. This closes CVI. Quite annoying.


As a side note: If the source code window contained changed unsaved code, the changes are saved without asking. Usually, if I want to close CVI I am asked if I want to save the changes - obviously, the task bar icon does not ask...

0 Kudos
Message 1 of 12

I can't reproduce the error.
When I click on Continue when the ERANGE error appears, CVI keeps on working.



0 Kudos
Message 2 of 12

I can Smiley Wink


Choose 'Hide windows when application is running' in the Environment options

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 12

No one able to reproduce it - or no one interested in any more bugs...?

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 12
Accepted by Wolfgang

Hello Wolfgang,


Thank you, as always, for reporting bugs and for your suggestions on how to improve LabWindows/CVI. I investigated the issue and was able to reproduce it. I wrote a CAR for it, id #438733. I could suggest two workarounds: right-click the CVI taskbar button and select "Show windows" or disable the "Hide windows when application is running". 

This bug appears to occur in older versions of LabWindows/CVI, and is indeed annoying. It should be fixed in a future version of LabWindows/CVI.


Best regards,

Nelu F. || National Instruments.


0 Kudos
Message 5 of 12



Unfortunately, "Show windows" works on Win XP but not on Win 7

0 Kudos
Message 6 of 12

Hello Wolfgang,


I was able to click "Show windows" under Windows 7 like so:


show windows.png\


I hovered on the CVI taskbar icon and after the small preview appeared above the taskbar, I right-clicked the entry. The context menu was displayed.


Does that not work for you?

Message 7 of 12

No, it seems that my Win 7 (64 bit Ultimate) is different..., the little window looks quite different... task bar setting?


Actually what I am showing is the window after a right click, because hovering over only shows one gray CVI preview window (I cannot take a screenshot of it because for CTRL-ALT it disappears)



0 Kudos
Message 8 of 12

Hey Wolfgang,


I'm not sure what the "gray CVI preview window" is.

May I suggest using the PrintScreen key in that situation? (PrtScn) You can then paste the image in Paint and crop the region of interest.

However, I think you might be referring to this preview window, that appears on hover above the CVI taskbar icon:


show windows.png


If that is so, you can right-click the preview window and a context menu should appear with either "Restore" or "Show windows" items. I tested with Windows 7 x64 Enterprise. I don't think the behavior for Ultimate should differ.

Message 9 of 12

Hello Wolfgang,

it seems to me that what Nelu is doing is:

1. Hover on the icon and wait for the preview to appear

2. Right-click on the preview image to show the context menu with "Show window" option


In the meanwhile, I have discovered another way to display the CVI ADE; if you right click directly on the CVI icon in the taskbar you should see the list of recent files opened: selecting one of them not included in the current project displays the ADE with that file opened.


CVI task list.png


Doing this, a simple ctrl+W closes the window and you are back with your workbench as you have leaved it. Not exactly user friendly, I know Smiley Wink but until it is fixed...

Proud to use LW/CVI from 3.1 on.

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Message 10 of 12