11-02-2016 10:20 AM
Hello AutomationGuy !
I'm having exactly the same issue :
Error writing project file.
(Badly formed pathname)
But I don't understand how you fixed it ? How can you edit the path in the *.prj file ?
Thanks for your help !
11-03-2016 01:25 PM
This is Ali from National Instrument's applications engineering. I'm not quite sure what .prj file Automation Guy is editing but perhaps you could create a relative path?
Hopefully, he'll answer with more specifics in a bit.
11-07-2016 07:24 AM
If you open your "*.prj" file in a text editor. you will find many entries like:
[File 0004]
File Type = "Library"
Res Id = 4
Path Is Rel = True
Path Rel To = "Project"
Path Rel Path = "../../CTF2/CTFFileBasic/CTFFileBasic.lib"
Path = "/c/data/workdir/Projects/CTF2/CTFFileBasic/CTFFileBasic.lib"
Exclude = False
Project Flags = 0
Folder = "Library Files"
Folder Id = 2
The relative and absolute path should form a valid path to your file.
That does not help always but I found cases where I could fix my problem by adjusting the path entries.
Sometimes it helps to open your single project not using a workspace.