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How Can I send an Email From CVI?

Hi Shahina,

I have the exact same problem as Victor using the InetSendMail command. I can send using the described method from the command prompt with success. But the client demo also fails for me with the same results. We use lotus notes not outlook so trying outlook is not an option. Also we use F-Secure Anti virus not Virus scan unless F-secure has Virus scan embedded.

Any other ideas?



0 Kudos
Message 21 of 27

There's no reason to think that this would be just limited to VirusScan. What we found with VirusScan is that it has the ability to block certain TCP ports. Port 25, which is the port used to send mail, is sometimes blocked by virus protection software in order to prevent worms from mass mailing themselves from your computer. It is also typical for the anti-virus software to allow the user, (or your IT department) to define exceptions by specifying known-names of mail clients, so that you yourself are allowed to send mail from Lotus Notes, Outlook, Eudora, etc.

The problem that you guys are having, in all likelihood, is that your anti-virus software is blocking port 25, but it doesn't know about this CVI program that you have written that needs to send email. If you can find out how to add the name of your program to the anti-virus software's list of approved mail clients, that should take care of the problem. I could describe how to do that in McAfee VirusScan, if anyone else is interested, but I don't know how it's done in F-Secure.

0 Kudos
Message 22 of 27


Is it possible to send an email without having the Internet Library (I'm using the CVI8.0 Base version). Or can I send a document to the default mail program (like right clicking a file in the Windows explorer and then selecting 'Send To --> Mail Recipient').



0 Kudos
Message 23 of 27


The mailto: approach can work (see here) but you may have issues with:

  • the user still has to hit "Send"
  • attachments (I memory serves me correctly there is no way to attach a file via the mailto link)
  • you'll need the Windows SDK

Hope this helps!


Edit: Oops - I mixed up "Send To" as you describe and mailto. Sorry! 

Message Edited by Ian W on 03-06-2006 09:13 AM

0 Kudos
Message 24 of 27

Hello Ian,

I don't have the SDK installed, since I'm using the CVI Base Development System Smiley Sad

0 Kudos
Message 25 of 27

Even though you have the base version, you nevertheless have some SDK libraries, particularly the more common ones. Look in the CVI\sdk\lib folder for the set of SDK libraries that you can use. I'm not sure which library you would need to use in order to send mail, but it might already be in that folder.

Even if it isn't, there's a pretty good chance that you can go to microsoft's website, find the library you need (they have different SDK flavors available), then download it and install it. You just might need to do some header file tweaking in order to be able to use it from CVI.

Message 26 of 27
Thanks for the help Luis. I will try to figure it out...
0 Kudos
Message 27 of 27