03-25-2005 09:59 AM
03-25-2005 10:39 AM
03-25-2005 11:47 AM
03-25-2005 11:57 AM
03-25-2005 12:07 PM
03-29-2005 01:12 AM
03-29-2005 09:50 AM
03-02-2006 01:08 AM
I prefer to use "localhost" for this. But it really resolves to the same adress through every TCP/IP stack that I know of.
@OZI wrote:
Hi Martin,
I didn't know this about the !!! This is a great tip which I will try. And I think this will be the solution to communicate "inside" the computer.
The problem with the customer is, it is a french company and they have very strong restrictions about their network. We are very happy that they allow us to hang our computer up to the network too. They are very afraid about viruses, trojans etc.
But I think we got the solution with the adress.
Thank you very much and best regards
03-02-2006 04:58 AM
03-02-2006 05:13 AM
While this is a possibility and has the possible benefit of shaving off a few microseconds in data transfer overhead, it has some extra complications:
@jr_2005 wrote:As an alternative to the networking approach to inter-process communication, you could try using Windows Events. I used this approach successfully to start and stop a second application from the main one:
< cut code example >
If you need to pass data between apps, you can use the SDK File Mapping functions (CreateFileMapping(), MapViewOfFile(), UnmapViewOfFile ()) quite easily.