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How to protect Excel document with ActiveX



I want to protect the Excel report generated by my program and found this function Excel_WorksheetProtect() in excel2000.c

Is there any piece of example code which I can refer? I couldn't find any help from the CVI manual.

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Message 1 of 7

Here is a KB article that describes how to install the help for the Office ActiveX libraries.


This article is actually for Office 2003, but the same idea can be applied to 2007. More information can be found in the Microsoft KB as well.

National Instruments
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Message 3 of 7

They just don't want to give you a clear and exact answer, do they?


Here's how you save your Excel worksheet with password protection:



 //... modified from excel2000dem.c shipped with your CVI

 // ... assuming a current Excel file is opened, activated, and ready to be saved

 // .... the workseet handle is "ExcelWorkbookHandle"


    HRESULT error = 0;
    VARIANT myVariant1, myVariant2;
    char fileName[MAX_PATHNAME_LEN];



                GetProjectDir (fileName);     // must have directory's path


                // save the current opened file to a different file name with password protection
                strcat (fileName, "\\exceldem1.xls");     // The two backslashes "\\" must be included here   
                   error = CA_VariantSetCString(&myVariant1, fileName);
                   if (error < 0)  goto Error;
                   error = CA_VariantSetCString(&myVariant2, "xyz123");      // password is xyz123
                   if (error < 0)  goto Error;
                   error = Excel_WorkbookSaveAs (ExcelWorkbookHandle, NULL, myVariant1,
                                                 CA_DEFAULT_VAL, CA_DEFAULT_VAL,
                                                 myVariant2, CA_VariantBool(VTRUE),
                                                 CA_DEFAULT_VAL, ExcelConst_xlNoChange,
                                                 CA_DEFAULT_VAL, CA_DEFAULT_VAL,
                                                 CA_DEFAULT_VAL, CA_DEFAULT_VAL);
                   if (error < 0)  goto Error;





You'll see the password request when you open the file "exceldem1.xls".

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 7

Thanks all,


I just plugged in all unknown parameters with "CA_DEFAULT_VAL" and everything was done. 🙂


0 Kudos
Message 5 of 7

Does anyone know how to open an excel sheet with the password.

I would like to the file to have a password but when opened with my program it must not ask the user to enter the password. It must enter the password automatically.

Help share your knowlegde
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Message 6 of 7

When you open the Excel workbook in your program, use this function (as shown in the excel2000demo.prj):


                CA_VariantSetCString(&myVariant2, "xyz123");           // password is xyz123
                Excel_WorkbooksOpen (ExcelWorkbooksHandle, NULL, fileName,
                                             CA_DEFAULT_VAL, CA_DEFAULT_VAL,
                                             CA_DEFAULT_VAL, CA_DEFAULT_VAL,
                                             myVariant2, CA_VariantBool(VTRUE),
                                             CA_DEFAULT_VAL, CA_DEFAULT_VAL,
                                             CA_DEFAULT_VAL, CA_DEFAULT_VAL,
                                             CA_DEFAULT_VAL, CA_DEFAULT_VAL,


It will open the password protected file and enter the password automatically.


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Message 7 of 7