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I am unable to print panel with Lab Style controls using Labwindows/CVI 6.0. Can any one help me ?

I am using Labwindows/CVI 6.0. on Windows 98 platform.
We tried the following:
1. print with Printattribute - bitmap setting as FALSE 2. we tried
by making the Lab Style (LS) control invisible using
Still problem exits ( i.e no printing / blank sheet)

However we are able to print when we discard the LS control using
discard control function before printing.
This does not solve the problem as we require the discarded
controls back after printing.( Is it possible to retrive the
discarded controls with same properties back at the same location
? How ?)

You had suggested to minimise the area and print. This may not be
possible in many case
s. Especially if we want to print graphs /
strip charts / multiple graphs in single panel.

Please note that in Labview it is possible to print LS controls /
graphs etc. without any problem.

Kindly help us in solving printing problem with LS control in
Labwindows/CVI 6.0.
0 Kudos
Message 1 of 4
Did you try enabling bitmap printing? Bitmap printing mode usually bypasses a lot of potential printing problems that could exist in the printer driver interpreting the GDI printing commands from CVI.

Best Regards,

Chris Matthews
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 4
Yes i tried enabling bitmap printing. But printer just throw the blank paper. However without LabStyle controls on the panel i am able to print with and without bitmap printing option.
Kindly help me to come out of this problem

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 4
I wish I could be more help, but I tried bitmap printing on a few different printers here with many different panels and had no problems. My only suggestion would be to try and get an updated driver for your printer from the printer manufacturer.

Best Regards,

Chris Matthews
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 4