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IniFile and Ini_SetMaxValueLineLength

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The IniFile Instrument includes Ini_SetMaxValueLineLength () function that is not declared in inifile.h; nevertheless, this evidently is a public function, since there is the corresponding function panel in the function tree.


When I call this function within CVI2012 it simply warns me about the function not being define elsewhere.

When I try to use that function in CVI2015 IDE (tested with ini.prj sample project) it first complains about inifile.h not included (actually it is, but not as the first item in the list of includes; if I agree to add the file, it is added as the first include file) and then fails building the project with missing prototype error. This repeats the same every time I try to debug the project, resulting in the inifile.h include line being added several times to the project. The project compiles and runs succesfully if I do not call that function.


It seems the include file needs to be updated.

Proud to use LW/CVI from 3.1 on.

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Message 1 of 3
Accepted by topic author RobertoBozzolo

Hello Roberto,


I've tried the same thing and it's working for me.

Could you check which inifile.h is actually included in your c file(go to #inlcude "inifile.h" line, right-click and Open Quoted Text).

In my case it's located in "C:\Program Files (x86)\National Instruments\CVI2015\toolslib\toolbox" and has declaration of Ini_SetMaxValueLineLength on line 52.



Message 2 of 3

Thanks Constantin! You're right: I had an old version of the include file in a folder which was added in the project settings. After deleting the old include all works well both for 2012 and 2015.

Proud to use LW/CVI from 3.1 on.

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